Venerdì 03 Maggio 2024

A Londra un murale con 150mila cuori creato dai cittadini per le vittime del Covid

Members of bereaved families paint red hearts on the COVID-19 Memorial Wall opposite the Houses of Parliament on the Embankment in London, Monday March 29, 2021. Hearts are being painted onto the wall in memory of the many thousands of people who have died in the UK from coronavirus.(AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth)
Members of bereaved families paint red hearts on the COVID-19 Memorial Wall opposite the Houses of Parliament on the Embankment in London, Monday March 29, 2021. Hearts are being painted onto the wall in memory of the many thousands of people who have died in the UK from coronavirus.(AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth)
Members of bereaved families paint red hearts on the COVID-19 Memorial Wall opposite the Houses of Parliament on the Embankment in London, Monday March 29, 2021. Hearts are being painted onto the wall in memory of the many thousands of people who have died in the UK from coronavirus.(AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth)

Nel centro di Londra, sul muro della sponda Sud del Tamigi, è stato realizzato un grandissimo murale: si chiama Memorial Wall ed è fatto di quasi 150.000 cuori rossi, in memoria delle vittime del Covid-19. Lo hanno realizzato tantissimi cittadini L’iniziativa è nata per volontà di Covid-19 Bereaved Families For Justice, un gruppo di attivisti piuttosto critico nei confronti della gestione della pandemia da parte del governo britannico.

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