Domenica 22 Dicembre 2024

Assalto al Congresso, la protesta della NBA

The Boston Celtics team kneels during the playing of the National Anthem before the first half of an NBA basketball game against the Miami Heat
The Miami Heat team kneels during the playing of the National Anthem before an NBA basketball game against the Boston Celtics
The Boston Celtics and the Miami Heat teams kneel during the playing of the National Anthem before the start of an NBA basketball game
Golden State Warriors players and coaches kneel during the national anthem before an NBA basketball game against the Los Angeles Clippers in San Francisco
La Nba ricorda le vittime
Los Angeles Clippers players and coaches kneel during the national anthem before an NBA basketball game against the Golden State Warriors in San Francisco,
Golden State Warriors guard Damion Lee and teammates kneel during the national anthem before an NBA basketball game against the Los Angeles Clippers in San Francisco

Nelle scorse ore, dopo l’attacco a Washington al Congresso statunitense da parte della frangia più estrema di sostenitori del presidente USA uscente Donald Trump, la NBA ha deciso di scendere in campo e non sospendere le partite. In segno di protesta però, sono stati diversi i gesti compiuti prima e dopo la palla a due delle gare: “Il 2021 è un nuovo anno, ma tante cose non sono cambiate. Scendiamo in campo, ma abbiamo il cuore pesante per quanto successo"

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